Business Why Ecommerce Companies Like Amazon Need Stepes Big Translation Solutions Miley Thomas October 4, 2018 54,270 views
Arts & Literature Translator’s Impact on Harry Potter Phenomenon Korina Yee November 2, 2016 85,803 views
Translation & Localization One on One: instant human interpretation from your smartphone Emily Feng August 24, 2016 33,510 views
Translation & Localization Staying ahead of the curve: Stepes game changing technology Miley Thomas July 18, 2016 4,212 views
Translation & Localization Translation services must modernize and catch up to the 21st century Carl Yao June 28, 2016 7,717 views
Business 5 Ways Big Translation will change the way you do business Emily Feng May 23, 2016 11,089 views
Retail The customer is always right: mediating e-commerce customer disputes across languages Emily Feng March 9, 2016 5,890 views
Arts & Literature Why Big Translation is the Future of Self-Publishing HannahFitzgibbon March 4, 2016 10,542 views
Translation & Localization When “anyone” can translate – bringing in the experts Emily Feng February 29, 2016 4,854 views
Translation & Localization What is the difference between Crowdsourced Translation and Big Translation? Miley Thomas February 25, 2016 5,691 views
Translation & Localization How “Big Translation” changes the way we think about globalization Carl Yao February 15, 2016 6,566 views