Tech leader Stepes to present at Gilbane Digital Content Conference
- Miley Thomas
- August 2, 2016

Stepes (pronounced /steps/) has been selected to highlight mobile translation technology as a tech disrupter at the Gilbane Digital Conference this November in Boston, Massachusetts.
The Gilbane Digital Content Conference brings together hundreds of the industry’s top content strategists and managers, marketers, technologists, IT and business executives, as well as external service providers to share best practices and discuss cutting edge strategies for pioneering new ways of packaging and delivering digital content.
As they state on their website: “Well-designed content is the core ingredient of competitive digital experiences. And the accelerating pace of technology allows us to dramatically improve content creation, content management, content delivery, and ultimately the customer experience.”
Stepes wholeheartedly agrees with this mission and has become one of the first major translation platforms to focus on servicing the translation of digital content. This focus is why it has created its social media APIs for Facebook and Twitter, backed by its Just-in-Time translation technology. Stepes’ social media translation services allow content creators to translate their content as they go, giving them the ability to near-instantaneously reach out to a global audience. Our APIs are an end-to-end solution for content creators; all you have to do is link up your social media accounts to be translated and
Traditional translation services require digital content creators to save up their content for a period of time before translating it all at once. In the digital age, which favors instantaneous turnover and constant updating, this makes no sense whatsoever. However, Stepes can translate your content as it is being created, so your message goes live in multiple languages with minimal delay, minute to minute.
Stepes is able to offer this Just-in-Time translation because of its mobile translation technology allows translators to translate content immediately and incrementally, a paradigm perfectly suited for the need for constant, fast, and accurate translation among content strategists. Everything (and not just social media) can now be translated on demand for global audiences.
Stepes will present during the track on Engaging Global Audiences: What’s on the Horizon for Language Practices, Capabilities, and Technologies? This forward-looking session will discuss upcoming translation and localization technologies that will shape the future of global communication and engagement. Stepes will present the numerous, groundbreaking applications Just-in-Time translation will have for the digital content creators. Global digitization is disrupting the way we conceive new business models and transforming the content/information ecosystem for products and services. That’s had a profound experience on the way that digital content is created and delivered, as Gilbane has recognized. Meanwhile, translation is no exception to this trend, as digital content which needs to be translated is now created constantly and around the clock. Now the translation industry faces a new challenge: how to translate digital information quickly (often in minutes versus hours and days) to enable content strategists to beat their competition and gain traction faster among global audiences.
Mobile translation is thus a technological disrupter for the marketing industry in terms of digital content. For the first time ever, content creators can push their content out to people all over the world with Just-in-Time translation. Digital content now finally has a way to go global.